From L&D to L&E – A Paradigm Shift!

Strategy to Execution: Challenges for Business
The ability to execute for an organization largely depends on “people performances” i.e. having the right people with right skills in the right jobs doing the right things.


How L&D Responds to Business Challenges
The general response of L&D to address business challenges is to determine learning needs and to deliver learning solutions as courses and programs with learning outcomes and report in the training hours, adoption, cycle times etc. So, they come in with what is called the ‘Learning Outcomes’ mindset.


What Business needs from L&D
Business, however, requires a more dynamic and agile approach that continuously improves and supports workforce performance and helps them deliver results. They need to see how learning is helping them execute; they need to see return on their investments …. that’s the ‘Performance Outcomes’ mindset.


The Need: A Paradigm Shift!
A paradigm shift is therefore required … from Leaning & Development (L&D) to Learning & Execution (L&E)!Screen Shot 2018-10-06 at 8.31.18 PM

The Results: A More Accurate Picture
Correlating Learning with Performance and using a data driven approach for this correlation would yield better results and provide a more accurate picture of how learning is impacting business  and what is the ROI.

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